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Cancelling your registration will remove your access to the event. If you proceed, you will no longer be able to participate or access event-related materials.
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Deleting your account will remove your access to the event.
The event will be held in the Chicagoland area at the Loews Chicago O'Hare at 5300 N River Rd, Rosemont, IL. Please note that you are responsible for arranging your own transportation and travel to Chicago. However, we will book hotel rooms for ITsavvy team members.
Yes, please indicate on the RSVP form if you will be attending the evening events. There are no additional tickets needed, however, this helps with the planning process.
Yes. Self-parking is $38/night. The hotel's covered parking lot and 4 electric vehicle charging stations are available with your paid garage access. Parking validation is for ITsavvy employees only. Please stop by our registration desk for a validation ticket. Parking will not need to be expensed with the validation ticket.
Flights must be booked through Navan Travel. For non-local ITsavvy attendees, hotel rooms will be covered from Sunday to Tuesday night. For local ITsavvy attendees, a hotel room for Tuesday night will be covered. If you would like to book additional nights outside of these, they must be paid through personal expenses. Please indicate any additional nights on your registration form. We will book all hotel rooms on your behalf to ensure we receive the group rate.
While sponsors are not mandated to stay at the Loews Chicago O'Hare, we highly recommend it. We have a rooming list at this hotel, and fostering a strong social component is a key goal of the event. Sponsors are responsible for booking their own travel and hotel rooms (a booking link will be sent for the Loews). Breakfast is provided to all ITsavvy employees staying at the hotel.
E3 2025 is located near Rosemont and Chicago. Visit the Travel Information page for popular entertainment and tourist attractions to check out while you're in town.